Module bex.autoload.command

:command support.

Provides overrides for bex.cmd.command.

The last argument, the replacement text, may be a callable instead of a string. If so, it will be called with a table corresponding to the escape sequences defined by Vim, e.g.:

    args = "arg1 arg2 ...", -- arguments as a raw string
    fargs = {"arg1", "arg2", ...}, -- arguments as a parsed list
    bang = false, -- command invoked with !
    count = 5, -- count argument
    line1 = 22, -- first line of range
    line2 = 45, -- second line of range
    range = 2, -- arity of range (0, 1, 2)
    mods = { -- enabled modifiers (verbose, topleft, etc.)
        verbose = true

To use a function for custom completion, pass "-complete=custom" or "-complete=customlist" followed by the callable as arguments. It will be invoked with the usual A, L, P arguments specified in the Vim documentation. The following trivial example completes all arguments as foobar. The command itself simply prints its argument table:

    '-complete=custom', function(a, l, p) return "foobar" end,
    "MyCommand", function(args) print(vim.inspect(args)) end)

generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2021-06-29 21:08:43