Bex Manual

Bex provides a more convenient bridge between Lua and Ex in NeoVim.

Call Ex Commands From Lua

The bex.cmd module lets you invoke Ex commands as functions, with sophisticated conversion of parameters into the formatted command. For example, bex.cmd.autocmd supports arbitrary Lua callables as the action. bex.cmd.augroup supports executing a function within the group instead of requiring an explicit bex.cmd.augroup('END'):

local cmd = require('bex.cmd')
cmd.augroup('my_group', function()
    cmd.autocmd('CursorHold', '*', function() print("CursorHold fired!") end)

See the bex.cmd module for details on how to override parameter handling for arbitrary Ex commands. Overrides are provided for several common built-in commands.

The bridge back into Lua functions is provided by the bex.bridge module, which you may find helpful in your own Lua code.

Lua-friendly Keymap Setting

Although the bex.cmd module lets you use ordinary Ex command like nnoremap to set keymaps, bex.keymap provides a more Lua-friendly alternative:

-- Print "Hello, world!" when pressing key sequence in
-- normal or visual mode in the current buffer
keymap = require('bex.keymap')
keymap.set {
    buffer = true,
    ["nx <Leader>zzz"] = function() print("Hello, world!") end
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2021-06-29 21:08:43